
27 de junho de 2012



Elected Deputado Federal for PSD – Having been appointed mayor of Belo Horizonte in 1940, Juscelino remained head of the city administration for five years. The regime of the Estado Novo (“New State”, Vargas’ dictatorship) came to an end, and new elections were scheduled for December 2, 1945. In these elections, Juscelino was elected Deputado Federal (Member of the House of Representatives) for the Partido Social Democrata (PSD, Social Democratic Party). His election results confirmed his high public esteem. At the same time, Eurico Gaspar Dutra was elected President and Getúlio Vargas senator. Tancredo Neves, José Maria Alkimim, Gustavo Capanema, and Benedito Valadares were elected to the Câmara dos Deputados (the House of Representatives) as well.
